Easy Sortable Lists with Rails
Rails makes it easy to implement simple, common features very quickly. Ordering items in a list using an intuitive drag-drop interface? Easy Peasy!
Rich Text with Trix and Action Text on Rails
Add a rich text area where users can enter formatted content using a simple text-editor interface. ActionText bundles the Trix editor tightly with rails for a great user experience.
Date And Time Formats With Rails
Date and DateTime formatting is even better with Rails 6. Find out how to set formats for your app and for different locales.
Maps on Rails
Adding maps to your web applications is easy and powerful. Dive into Maps, Rails, GeoJSON and more.
Ruby On Rails Geographical Tools
There are some really useful gems that make rails a great environment to build geo-aware applications.
Testing With Rails ActiveStorage
Rails ActiveStorage system is very nice. It standardises uploads, so going forward you will want to be able to write tests that take it into account.
Rails UJS for Forms
JS frameworks are fun, but for most apps a sprinkling of JavaScript and Rails RJS gets a lot done, it's simple to use and easy to maintain.